Activities in all our rooms are planned around the children’s likes and interests.

Toddlers have one member of staff allocated for every four children, we have a maximum of 12 children in this age group.

Planned and child-initiated activities are complemented by a large variety of enriching resources to support enthusiastic learners.

The Toddlers are able to enjoy free-flow between the Toddler Room and the large back garden throughout the morning and afternoon. This supports the children’s individual preferences for those who enjoy the outdoors and those who prefer being indoors.

Forest school is introduced to the Toddler age group children and sessions take place every two weeks in our own dedicated forest school area. Our qualified forest school teacher carefully plans these sessions to embrace the outdoors and each sessions ends with campfire treats around the fire pit. These sessions are at a small additional charge to the parents and are not compulsory.

The staff are experienced in potty training and are able to support children and families with this stage of their child’s development.

When your child is ready (around 38 months) they will transition to our Pre-School room where they will enjoy gaining independence and developing skills to prepare them for their transition to school.