Tinies room is designed specifically for children as they become more independent and physically active.

While continuing to have one member of staff allocated for every three children we have a maximum of 12 children in this age group.

The stimulating and open space of the Tinies room enables exploration in a variety of areas. The children enjoy using their own dedicated garden throughout the day, where they can develop their physical skills using the outdoor equipment.

We believe that children learn through play and that learning should be fun. Each day the children will enjoy a range of activities designed to be both interesting and appropriate to each child’s needs and abilities, while maintaining flexibility to accommodate spontaneous interest and events. Staff strive to support children’s development by helping them to explore through sharing experiences and emotions.

Tinies are able to offer children a dedicated sleeping room where the children can enjoy resting on their sleep mats supervised by staff.

When your child is ready (around 26 months) they will transition to our Toddler room where they will be supported in a more independent environment. The over twos brings new opportunities such as Forest school and a more challenging outside space.